We’ve all see them – and hopefully, obey them. And if you’re dealing with a roadside construction project or special event, chances are you need them. The important item referenced here is known as a traffic control device. Roadway Construction Service makes it easy to obtain what you need by providing first-rate traffic control device rental. We supply the full gamut – from caution signs to signal devices. Everything you require to ensure the safety of motorists, pedestrians, crews, and anyone else in the vicinity.

Toll-Free: (562) 903-0011

Generally, we provide traffic control device rental for two basic needs. The first is for the oft-seen construction project. The number of potential problems in such high-activity areas can be staggering. Depending on the level of public presence in such vicinities, these construction zones may be vulnerable to traffic snarls, pedestrian crowding, and other forms of congestion. Strategically-placed traffic control devices greatly minimize these potential problems, as well as enhance the safety of all local travelers.

Traffic Control Services

Our traffic control services also play an important role in public event areas. Can you imagine a parade, concert, or other major events without the assistance of these handy pieces of equipment? Chaos would be the guaranteed result. In fact, the events couldn’t take place. So, when the holiday parades start marching this year, the old reliable traffic control devices deserve some of the credit.

Traffic Control Device Rental services

Among the typical traffic control devices seen at construction sites and public events is the traffic control drum. Those supplied by Roadway Construction Service meet the highest standards for visibility, stability, and impact resistance. Similar standards apply to the traffic delineator rental. Used to guide motorists and pedestrians along safe routes, they are available in a wide range of shapes and sizes, depending on the size, scope, and nature of the project at hand. Our stock includes reflective delineators for maximum nighttime visibility and the delineator post – this, as you know, is a very common sight at public events and construction zones. Cones, reflectors, flashes, and looper tubes also are readily available in our lineup. Essentially, whatever the situation calls for, we have. Our traffic flaggers are ATSSA certified.

If you’re not sure of your needs, Roadway Construction Service can assist you with a comprehensive strategy and deployment services. So don’t worry. We’ll ensure you have all the right devices in all the right places.

Road Traffic Control

You may discover along the way (or perhaps you already know) that you require something larger than these devices. This situation is equally up our alley. Roadway Construction Service offers a full array of traffic barrier solutions, including A-frame barricades and K rail (a.k.a. Jersey wall) – both solid concrete and water-filled.

Would you like to learn more about the advantages of our traffic control device rental? Reach out to Roadway Construction Service any time. We’ll be happy to provide additional information and answers to all your questions.