Traffic management is always easy with Roadway Construction Service. When the job takes place in California, the hurdles are more numerous and far higher. Because of these demands, California Traffic Control requires a special kind of team. Roadway Construction Service is pleased to say it has that team. In fact, we’ve been served by our all-star lineup for many years. Thanks to this long-stretch of dedicated service, we’ve established a sterling reputation for performance, service, and satisfaction.

Call: (562) 903-0011

Effective California traffic management begins with high-end service. Roadway Construction Service understands this reality. And to prove it, we’ve taken every step possible to create the ultimate customer experience. Friendly and accommodating – yes, we’re all that and more. Your wish is our command. But equally important, we’re also very available. Not five days a week. Not six days a week. But for the full seven days. And throughout this period, you get an actual person answering the phone– no recordings. We’ll be there the entire 24-hours. Sunrise to sunrise. 365 days a year. The upshot, of course, is that you’re guaranteed cordial, immediate service. Plus, you’ll get a quick project launch. No money-draining hassles or delays.

California Traffic Management Services

Traffic Flaggers for Lane Closures

Once things are a go, we get the ball rolling with a comprehensive traffic control plan. For this, our master strategists develop a detailed blueprint of the action ahead. Everything from traffic control barriers to traffic control flaggers are incorporated and coordinated into an air-tight strategy.

A natural extension of the planning stage is the permitting process. Successful completion of this phase is crucial. Until proper permits are secured, projects effectively are on hold. Not so much as a single cone can touch ground.

Traffic Control Permitting

Luckily, we’ve transformed the traffic control permitting process into a fine art. We consistently develop the kind or rock-solid, air-tight plans that win timely approvals. And we expedite the process by tapping into our connections. You see, through years of experience, we’ve become well-acquainted with many of Southern California’s key municipal decision-makers. We know what they expect. And we meet those expectations with carefully laid-out plans that cover all the bases. Timely approvals are the result. Moreover, because we’re so well connected, we routinely cut through the acres of bureaucratic red tape that often impedes the average provider.

California Traffic Management Service

Once plans are completed and permits secured, we’re clear to deploy our crew. As you might expect, the squad is top-notch through-and-through. Their skills are extraordinary, finely-honed through years of experience and intensive training. When our traffic flaggers take the field, expect performance of the highest caliber.

Traffic Control Services

On-the-job performance isn’t just about nailing the flag signals. It’s also about maximizing safety. In the traffic control services department, our crews excel. Half of the credit goes to their innate skills and instincts. The other half goes to their education.

Before earning their place in the field, prospective flaggers must prove themselves ready. This requires completion of a rigorous training regimen. Those who power through the regimen emerge fully qualified by the industry’s highest certifications. This includes that awarded by OSHA.

So there it is. Roadway Construction Service raises California traffic control to a whole new level. On this level, everything from planning to personnel are treated as top priorities. No wonder we’ve earned such high marks throughout the golden state.