At Roadway Construction Service, we are proud of our stellar safety record. A record that stretches over many years. Various factors underpin this achievement. One is the excellence of our traffic control flagger services. Credit the dedication of our team. Each member of our traffic control flagger team is committed to maximizing safety, from one end of their assigned project area to the other. Nothing less will do. Our flaggers understand their primary responsibility — protecting work crews, motorists, and pedestrians, a mission they consistently perform with flying colors.

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To fulfill this responsibility, our flaggers draw on a variety of skills. For instance, they must be expert communicators. Their method of communication, however, is unique. They don’t write messages for quick distribution. Nor do they speak volumes. No, when they have something to say, they say it with flag and hand signals, as well as with signs. Using this method, traffic control flaggers communicate warnings and directions to the throng of passing motorists and pedestrians in the vicinity. With a system of signals, they also relay information to other crew members. Indeed, they have a language all their own and utilize it with flawless proficiency.

Road Traffic Control
Flaggers for Hire

We’re all familiar with flagger lingo, particularly when communicated via signage. Who hasn’t seen a flagger raising a sign that reads ‘slow down’ or ‘stop’. Pretty hard to misinterpret that messaging.

It gets more complicated when road traffic control flaggers chat with each other. That’s where those flag signals really come into play. Don’t worry. Our flaggers are experts in flag language. That’s because long before their first assignment, flagger candidates receive a first-class education through our proprietary training program. Along with a wide range of other skills, students acquire a deep knowledge of flag messaging. To assure this knowledge is of the highest caliber, candidates must meet the safety requirements of OSHA in order to receive the necessary certifications.

roadway construction traffic control flagger

Don’t think flag waving is the only concern for flaggers. Far from it. When dealing with the many challenges of traffic direction control, these experts must focus on a wide range of variables. Road conditions, for example, is a major focal point for flaggers. So is traffic flow, which as everyone knows, can change from one minute to the next. And then there’s the weather. Yes, meteorological conditions can have a major influence on a traffic control project. Our flaggers must be locked into all these variables and more. Clearly, superb concentration is a must.

Traffic Control Flaggers

As with all members of the Roadway Construction Service team, our traffic control flaggers have a certain amount of preparatory work to do. From the minute they arrive at a project site, the flagger crew gets busy with the preliminaries. There are more than a few … that’s for sure. The most important of them is getting in there and assisting with the setup process. This includes arranging traffic cones and traffic control signage. For good measure, flaggers also might be needed to help with maintenance duties and other basic jobs. Fortunately, they’re well up to the task thanks to the thorough training mentioned above. Doing it all, and more, certainly describes our team of road traffic flaggers for hire.

In fact, our flaggers also make major contributions after a project is done. You see, even then, it’s not quite time to kick the ol’ feet up and call it a day. That comes later. For now, disassembly is the necessary next step. Believe us, there’s typically a ton of stuff to disassemble. Traffic cones, traffic control barriers, signage, lighting, and array of other equipment is waiting to be removed, carried, and stored on vehicles. Carefully, and with a bit of finesse, of course. As we see it, there’s nobody more qualified to perform these disassembly duties than our team of flaggers.

California Traffic Control Flaggers

In California, a traffic control flagger faces unique challenges. In case you haven’t noticed, our neck of the woods is an extremely busy region. Plenty going on – night and day. Special events, construction projects, road repairs, and all the rest seemingly are taking place all at the same time. When assigned to a traffic control team in one of these spots, California traffic control flaggers must be way up on their toes. The exact position of our team. To say these experts are ready for anything would be an understatement. Whether an assignment is expected or – as is sometimes the case, unexpected, we’re prepared for action from the get go.

While our flaggers deserve abundant praise for outstanding job performance, a certain amount of credit must go to the behind-the-scenes squad — our heroic planning team. We like to think they’re the best in the biz. This group of experts develops all the flagger deployment strategies that ultimately materialize out there on the project site. All done to perfection.

Road Traffic Control
Flagger Strategy

As any member of this team will tell you, every project is unique, presenting its own distinctive challenges. A job may entail a basic lane closure or present a multi-intersection situation. It can involve various durations, with both long and short term construction traffic control as possibilities. For each project type, Roadway Construction Service must develop a precision traffic control flagger strategy.

Mixed in with this is the need for strict civic compliance. In a nutshell, flagger strategies, along with all other traffic control proposals, must conform to a range of municipal codes. Thankfully, our team has a leg up in this area thanks to their extensive experience and incomparable knowledge of the subject matter. They’re thoroughly familiar with the list of codes and regulations relevant to each project area. Furthermore, they know the key decision makers – and exactly what they expect from a project proposal. The upshot? Our planners consistently leapfrog the bureaucratic barriers and secure quick approvals. Always a big benefit for time-sensitive projects with tight budgets.

Roadway Construction Service has earned a reputation as one of California’s premier road traffic control contractors. A major contributor to this enviable reputation is the high caliber performance of our flagger team. Carefully chosen thorough an exacting planning process, each traffic control flagger on that team is a thoroughly trained expert prepared to tackle the challenges of any assignment. From setup through disassembly, all of them exhibit the performance excellence and commitment to safety that distinguishes Roadway Construction Service from all other providers. That’s something you can count on, no matter what the size and scope of your project. Need a flagger team that’ll hit it out of the park? We’ve definitely got ‘em. Contact us to schedule your traffic control services.

rcs safety starts here southern california