Jensen Precast K Rail

When providing k rail rental to the community, it’s not enough to offer quality service. It’s also important to utilize high quality hardware. Roadway Construction Service consistently does that. We use only the highest-grade equipment and materials for all our projects. Take, for instance, our use of Jensen precast k rail. Known in the industry for superior performance and durability, this acclaimed road barrier is unfailingly reliable. Like us, Jensen has a strong track record and demonstrable commitment to customer satisfaction. It makes for a great and extremely successful partnership.

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In what situations might we employ Jensen Precast k rail? We typically utilize this high-quality hardware when providing concrete k rail rental. This service proves extraordinarily valuable on many types of projects. One of these was the Holland Construction job on La Brea Blvd. in L.A. Quite a feather in our cap. The project centered on a massive 2-story parking structure that was to be built on the busy roadway. Along with the usual hazards that emerge on these types of jobs, a significant amount of excavation was on the to-do list. Property and people needed maximum protection. And that would require solid safety barriers effectively deployed.

Jensen Precast K-Rail Service

Concrete K Rail Road Barrier

For this project, the chosen barrier was an awe-inspiring wall of k rail (or Jersey barrier) – an 8,000 pound per 20-foot barricade that offered ultimate protection. Nothing unauthorized was getting past this wall. We would see to that. What was interesting about the deployment of this k rail is its unique function. Typically, such a traffic barrier is utilized at freeway or roadway worksites. In this case, it had a new role. We’re pleased to say that everything worked out exceptionally well, demonstrating both the strength and the versatility of this k rail.
It’s important to note that traffic barriers such as k rail (or Jersey barrier) aren’t always made of concrete. When greater portability is needed, for instance, we also can deploy plastic k rail. Composed of lightweight plastic segments, this type of barricade is relatively easy to move, assemble, and disassemble. But don’t let its plastic shell fool you. Each segment is filled with water, giving it both solidity and resilience.

Road Barriers

The deployment of road barriers necessitates more than skillful placement of hardware. Also needed is a considerable amount of advanced planning. Fortunately, Roadway Construction Service has a rock-solid crew of strategists to carry out this important mission. Much of their proficiency is derived from their extensive experience on the job. They’ve logged many years project planning. This experience has given them keen insight and a thorough understanding of the codes and regulations that govern specific municipal areas throughout Southern California. Our team knows what’s required and therefore tailors all traffic control plans to conform with current regulations. The result? Rapid approvals during the permitting process.

Our long-standing relationships with decision makers also help enormously. Not only do we know the rules and regulations, we know what these leaders expect – and deliver it to them every time. Along with our in-depth knowledge, this factor expedites the permit approval process. Projects move forward in a timely manner, minimizing costly delays.

Clearly, Roadway Construction Service offers many advantages when your project requires road traffic barrier installation and rental. From the use of quality hardware such as Jensen precast k rail to the utilization of expert planners, our solutions ensure success for even the most challenging projects.

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