Jersey Barrier Rental

A major focus of road traffic management is the protection of people and property. That’s why Roadway Construction Service (RCS) goes the extra mile with its Jersey barrier rental services. Otherwise known as K-Rail, a Jersey Barrier is the sturdiest and strongest of all traffic barricades. As such, it is the king of barriers when it comes to traffic control and work zone safety.

The strength of a Jersey Barrier is well-suited to its job. Or should we say jobs. That’s right. This plastic or concrete traffic control barrier has multiple functions. The most important of these is the prevention of unintended impacts between vehicles and things like boulders, buildings, walls, and many other dangerous areas.

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Drivers, however, aren’t the only ones who benefit from properly-deployed Jersey Barriers. Those traveling on foot also get their fair share of protection. One of the most important functions of K-Rail Rental is to prevent vehicles from crossing into populated regions such as pedestrian zones.

Clearly, the Jersey Barrier is crucial for effective vehicular traffic control and pedestrian traffic control. For this reason, Roadway Construction Service takes every precaution to ensure the safety and functionality of our K-Rail. One of these precautionary measures is pre-testing. Before any Jersey Barrier is put into service, it is thoroughly tested for soundness and reliability. Rest assured, it is subjected to a variety of conditions before receiving a passing grade.

Despite the importance of Jersey Barriers, these protective walls aren’t the only crucial component of traffic barrier rentals. The human element also plays a vital role in any K-Rail service. Even with the best equipment, no traffic barricade company could carry out its mission without qualified traffic flaggers.

Jersey Barrier Rental

Essential for effective traffic control barrier management, flaggers are highly-trained masters of communication. Using the language of flag signals, they maintain safe, orderly conditions by relaying messages to drivers, pedestrians, and workers. These flag messages are constantly transmitted to steer people in the right direction and out of harm’s way. Given this enormous responsibility, there is no question that qualified traffic flaggers are indispensable. In fact, effective highway traffic management would be impossible without them.

Jersey Barrier Rental Beyond the Work Zone

It’s important to know that barricade and barrier rentals aren’t limited to construction zones. Roadway Construction Service often provides Jersey Barriers and other barricades to support our special event traffic control plan. Many holiday events, including Fourth of July parades, have benefited from our traffic control barricade rental services. So has virtually every other type of celebration.

Are you looking for proven traffic control company to hire? Count on Roadway Construction Service for the best in Jersey Barrier rental services. To learn more, contact Roadway Construction Service for additional information about our industry-leading solutions and competitive rates.

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