Lane Closure Traffic Plan

For almost any important objective, a thorough plan is imperative. Such a plan covers all the bases and leaves nothing to chance. Such thoroughness perfectly describes every lane closure traffic control plan developed by Roadway Construction Service. Naturally, it helps to have a team of master strategists in your corner. These strategists are widely acclaimed for their attention to detail, commitment to safety, and extraordinary skill. Thanks to these qualities — and a lot of hard work — this group consistently develops airtight plans for even the most challenging lane closure assignments.

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In any lane closure traffic plan, countless details are weighed, evaluated, and analyzed. For instance, there’s the time factor. How long must the closure remain in effect? A day? Week? Month or more? The answers depend on the purpose of the closure. Perhaps it’s meant to redirect traffic during a major construction project. Or it could be taking place while a brief, one-day public event is in full swing. Each duration requires its own set of solutions that must be precisely chosen to fit the situation and conditions.

Traffic Control Planning Services

roadway construction lane closure traffic plans

Every traffic control planning service developed by our team also must comply with the relevant municipal regulations applicable to a prospective job. These codes vary from place to place and from project to project. Therefore, an almost encyclopedic knowledge of local codes is essential. Our planners not only know and understand these regional codes. Thanks to their experience and expertise, they know them from top to bottom.

Encroachment Permits

They also know, through years of experience, many of the municipal decision makers for encroachment permits. Which means our strategists have a very firm idea of what their expectations are. The upshot? Timely decisions and approvals for proposed plans. Always a plus when you must adhere to a stringent schedule.

Municipal decision makers consider a variety of factors before giving their approvals. Among these factors concerns are the various city permits needed for the implementation of a lane closure. Encroachment permits, for example, are required prior to project commencement. What exactly is an encroachment permit? Basically, it’s an official authorization to occupy a public right of way area for a specified time and purpose.

Work Zone OSHA Traffic Control

Whether we’re developing a lane closure plan or any other type of strategy, traffic control planning requires the incorporation of various safety measures to ensure people and property are fully protected. With safety our number one priority, Roadway Construction Service has no problem fulfilling its obligations in this area. The lion’s share of credit must go to our team, both in the planning department and out in the field. Every member of this team has been thoroughly prepared through our rigorous training program. Upon ‘graduation’, students are certified by some of the industry’s most prestigious organizations, including OSHA.

There should be no question, then, that Roadway Construction Service is the ideal partner when a reliable lane closure traffic plan is needed for a project. Whether the closure is for a public event, a construction project, road repair, or any other job, you can count on our team every step of the way.

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