Given the unpredictability and density of local traffic, there’s a tremendous demand for reliable traffic control equipment supplies in California. In the good ol’ summertime, that demand soars to stratospheric levels. To service this need, Roadway Construction Service has made traffic control equipment a major focal point of our operation. We not only have this hardware in great abundance, we know it from top to bottom. This works out very nicely for our clients. With us in their corner, they can set their worries aside. Roadway Construction Service will have everything they need — when they need it. And we’ll know exactly what to do with it – well in advance. A big reason why we rarely stray from schedules.

Call: (562) 903-0011

The selection and deployment of traffic control safety equipment is first and foremost a matter of planning. There are two basic facets we look at during the planning stage. The first is the work area. Are we dealing with a large highway cutting through an urban sprawl?  A parade? A street flooded by a burst water pipe? Each situation calls for a thorough understanding of the situation at hand. Once the situation is properly analyzed, we identify the optimum temporary traffic management equipment and plan its deployment. There’s no margin of error here. Even a slight miscalculation can cause major delays and costly rescheduling. Not for us. We’re committed to getting it right – right from the start. And that takes plenty of planning.

Traffic Control Planning

Planning, of course, is only one part of the equation when providing reliable highway safety equipment rental. Another part, at least in our book, is customer service. For us, customer service goes well beyond the basic courtesy and friendliness requirement. It extends all the way to the principle of availability. This means, someone always will answer your call when you reach out to our company for traffic equipment rental. No answering machines with recorded greetings. No music track while you wait on hold. Never happen at Roadway Construction Service. You’ll always get a real person who’s really ready to make sure your traffic control equipment rental experience is a sheer delight. And who is, by the way, exceedingly friendly and courteous.

Traffic Control Safety Equipment

rcs traffic control equipment supplies inset

It’s important to know that variety of rules when it comes to road work traffic control safety equipment.  Every situation is unique – and so must be the solutions. To do their jobs, each piece of equipment must be perfectly fitted to project demands. In some cases, traffic cones are the best option. In others, only k rail will get the job done. But then, what kind of k rail should we implement? Is this project long term? Bingo! The concrete variety is best. Short term? Water filled plastic is the only sensible choice. And what about the granddaddy of challenging situations – the road closure? Which road closure equipment is up to the task? It’s imperative to have the answers – early on. Which is why all these road safety equipment rental questions are addressed well in advance during the planning stage.

Road Traffic Management Services

Clearly, to be effective, traffic safety equipment rental must factor in many variables. But then, Roadway Construction Service is accustomed to being thorough — whether we’re dealing with traffic management equipment or any other aspect of our traffic control service. You can count on that.

You also can count on our incomparable responsiveness when securing traffic control equipment supplies in California. That is because our coverage is unsurpassed. While providing traffic control service in California, we offer traffic control service in Los Angeles, traffic control service in Orange County, traffic control service in Riverside County, and traffic control service in San Bernardino. Now how are you going to top that?