Water Filled Barriers

Can you imagine all the Southern California construction projects without the benefit of traffic control? Don’t even try, unless you prefer visions of chaos topped off by traffic snarls for miles in every direction. The good news is, this will never happen so long as the region is serviced by dedicated providers such as Roadway Construction Service. We keep the situation well under control through a combination of expert personnel and skillfully deployed hardware, which can take many forms. One of the more unique among these is the type of hardware known as water filled barriers for all sorts of traffic control.

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As with all other road barriers, it’s crucial to know exactly how and when to deploy water filled barricades. No question about it, they are convenient traffic control barriers. In contrast to the typical barricade, which usually is a solid mass of material, the water-filled variety is made of plastic (essentially a shell) and has a hollow inner chamber. When ready for action, the chamber is filled with water to provide strength and solidity to the hardware. Typically, we use gallons and gallons of H20 to fill the typical plastic barricade.

Water Filled Barrier Management

Does this sound like a great deal of trouble to go through when deploying road barriers? Actually, the opposite is true. Being made of plastic, this hardware is comparatively easy to transport, carry, set up, and disassemble. Basically, we use it for temporary traffic control, which may be taking place for anywhere between a day and a week or so. A holiday parade, for instance, is an event that might benefit from the usage of water filled barricades, which can be up and down in a flash.

Achieving the same level of protection with a solid barricade would require many more hours for transport and setup. Consequently, the job would incur a greater cost based on added work time. Clearly, the plastic barricades provide a cost saving component not available with the conventional type.

One of the more interesting uses of road barricades is to provide protection to parklets, which are extensions to sidewalks that offer added space to pedestrians. Roadway Construction Service is pleased to say that we offer a program of parklet barrier rentals, which often utilize water filled barricades to maximize public safety.

Naturally, our program of road barrier rentals provides solutions on a larger scale, as well. The largest of these is k rail, the wall-like barrier utilized for the most challenging jobs. It doesn’t seem possible that plastic hardware could serve in this capacity. But it often does. Depending on the project, Roadway Construction Service can deploy k rail for a wide range of temporary or short-term projects. In fact, these water filled barriers are a major component of our k rail rental program.

Long Term Traffic Control

While plastic, water-filled k rail functions extraordinarily well for short term assignments, there’s also a frequent need for traffic control barriers that support long term traffic management. The largest and strongest of these barriers unquestionably is concrete k rail. Yes, this type of k rail is composed of solid concrete, making it the ideal solution when maximum impenetrability is required to ensure the safest possible conditions. If we absolutely must keep vehicles out of restricted areas, this is the long-term solution of choice.

There’s an excellent reason that concrete k rail is limited to long-term duty – it’s very, very heavy. Which usually is the case when a wall-like barricade is made of rock-solid concrete reinforced by embedded steel. You can bet it’s much harder to move than its plastic counterpart. As a result, a major investment of time and labor is required to transport, set up, and remove this barricade. Obviously, this effort eats up many hours and even days – budget draining hours and days. Exactly why you want concrete k rail to be standing in place a good, long while. Thus, in the interest of budget control, Roadway Construction Service limits the use of concrete k rail to long term projects.

For the many long-term projects requiring concrete k rail, setup isn’t carried out by a team of Conan-like strongmen. No, we rely on heavy machinery for the needed muscle. The machinery, of course, is a crane. To perform its duties, the specially selected crane generally must lift a series of k rail segments off of a flatbed truck and set them in place, one after the other. The process is supervised by a setup crew, who direct the crane operator with a series of hand signals. After hours of intensive effort, the succession of concrete segments forms a wall. The barricade is ready for action.

Road Barrier Rentals

All road barrier rentals rely on careful planning to ensure suitable solutions. The rental of water filled barriers are no exception. Fortunately, we boast a top-flight traffic control planning team. Unfailingly precise, they match hardware to worksite parameters, creating the ideal deployment strategy. During this stage, they also engage in the traffic control permitting process, securing necessary authorizations from civic leaders.

This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Securing authorizations from civic leaders and decision makers typically is time consuming work. Before reaching your goal, a tangle of red tape must be navigated and penetrated. And even then, a rework of your plans might be required before authorization is granted. Maybe many reworking of your plan. A major delay to say the least.
Won’t happen with Roadway Construction Service in your corner. That’s because, through years of interaction with civic and business leaders, we’ve developed long-standing working relationships with these decision makers. As a result, we know what they expect from a traffic control plan. And we know how to give it to them. Thus, we leapfrog all the red tape, go straight to the source, and generally get quick approvals. The upshot? We virtually eliminate delays and instead facilitate prompt project commencements. Exactly what you want.

The contributions of our traffic control planners underscore the importance of our two primary assets — expert personnel and first-rate traffic control equipment. With that combination to rely on, we’ll provide unsurpassed solutions every time.

Traffic Control Flaggers for Hire

Roadway Construction Service adds to the benefit of expert planners by providing clients with an entire team of first-rate personnel. As mentioned earlier, we’re staffed with experts on all levels – flaggers, planners, setup crews, customer service representatives, and more. All of whom carry out their respective jobs with uncommon skill and dedication to ensure complete success and satisfaction for every client.

We also boast an extensive inventory of equipment ready for deployment. So we’ll always have everything you need, when you need it. All of which points in one direction – a dependable traffic control company offering prompt and expert service for your project. That’s something you always can count on with Roadway Construction Service.

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