Protecting a Los Angeles job site and the public with K-rail

K-Rail Protection

When it comes to traffic control solutions, Roadway Construction Services (RCS) is no stranger to challenges.  K-rail barricades are your perfect option for long-term jobs or even permanent barricades. These are often used to safely manage traffic lanes, though they are the best choice in many instances in which construction will be taking place over a long period of time.

RCS recently provided K-rail protection on La Brea Boulevard in Los Angeles, for a Holland Construction job site. The project was a sprawling, 2-story parking structure on the well-traveled boulevard. Massive excavation would be taking place. And both the general public and the adjacent property would require air-tight protection against a laundry list of hazards.

Roadway Construction Services offered their advantageous k-rail, an 8,000 pound-per-20-foot ‘stick’ of impervious concrete. Typically, this wall of protection is used to separate work sites from freeway and roadway traffic. Now it would be getting extra duties.

The k-rail was implemented quickly and efficiently. But that’s to be expected from a resource that can be quickly placed through variety of methods – crane, forklift, or large front-end loader with forks.

Once ‘in action’, the k-rail put everyone at ease – the general public and work crews couldn’t have been better protected. And the project team didn’t have to give the matter another thought. RCS took care of everything, lock, stock, and barrel. Yes, traffic control simply doesn’t get any better than this!

High performance, however, doesn’t mean high price. Roadway Construction Services offers clients competitive pricing for both short term rentals and long term leasing of all traffic control resources. Their expert services include transportation to and from projects, placement, and product removal – all superbly protected through the establishment of a safe, secure work environment.

Are you ready to take the right road to job site safety? Contact Roadway Construction Services at (562) 903-0011” href=”tel:5629030011″>(562) 903-0011 to learn why they set the standard in the traffic control service, planning, and permitting industry.

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