Most people would say Roadway Construction Service stacks up pretty well against the competition. But we also literally stack up nicely when protecting people and property. You see, for many projects, we provide Temporary Road Barrier made of cement barrier blocks. The principle is the same as it is for constructing any brick wall – stack the blocks on top of each other until the structure is high enough and wide enough for the job at hand. Bear in mind, these are not your usual garden wall bricks. These are huge, heavy blocks. Which means major lifting is required to put them where they belong.

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When utilized for traffic control, Temporary Traffic Barriers minimize the risk of unauthorized vehicles entering restricted areas. It’s easy to see why they’re so good at this job. The blocks are made of cement, making them uncommonly strong and consistently reliable. These building blocks also offer other advantages, such as versatility. They can be used for long-term or temporary assignments, and they can be repositioned as needed. Plus, there’s their obvious visibility. When drivers are motoring along the public highways, it’s virtually impossible for them to miss these massive concrete structures … especially when their visibility is enhanced by the reflective materials and devices we sometimes use. At Roadway Construction Service, we take no chances and nothing for granted.

K Rail Barrier Rental

Always ready with the right solution, our company complements these ultra-sturdy block walls with other types of massive road barricades. Among these are k rail barrier rental. Sometimes known as Jersey barrier, k rail provides the same wide-scale mass and strength supplied by our dependable block structures. Jersey barrier, however, is a solid, wall-like mass, as opposed to buildable blocks. Which barricade gets used depends on the job, the circumstances, and the work site. Many factors come into play when our team chooses and deploys barriers.

Concrete K-rail Barrier

Since there are two types of K rail, they offer a versatility not provided by cement blocks. One type is concrete k rail. As its name suggests, this is a formidable concrete barrier. Moving it from here to there, as is easy to guess, requires a monumental effort. Given the less-than-portable nature of concrete k rail, it’s use generally is limited to long-term projects.

For temporary jobs, plastic k rail traditionally gets the call. Thanks to its lightweight plastic shell, this barrier is transported, set up, and disassembled by our team with relative ease.

Plastic Road Barriers

You might wonder how lightweight plastic road barriers provide sufficient protection to motorists and crews. Well, there’s more here than meets the eye. Insite each plastic segment is a hollow water chamber. Once filled, it creates a solid, wall-like structure. Out on the road, this reinforced wall is well up to the challenge of protecting people and property.

Meticulous and thorough, Roadway Construction Service doesn’t stop with a selection of barriers. We add temporary traffic control devices to the mix to achieve a whole other level of comprehensive road safety. Among the devices we deploy are cones, channelizers, signs, and many other types of vital equipment.

Clearly, Roadway Construction Service covers all the bases for every traffic control situation. Offering a solid combination of k rail rental, barricades built from cement barrier blocks, and a full array of temporary traffic control devices, we provide the most dependable solutions for every job. No wonder we stack up so well.