Work Zone Lane Closure Service

Managing lane closures is a major challenge to any temporary traffic control service. Required for success is a combination of experience, expertise, dedication, and tenacity. That pretty much sums up Roadway Construction Service. The good thing is, we’ve honed those strengths to offer clients unsurpassed work zone lane closure service for a full range of projects and events.

Toll-Free: (562) 903-0011

Before backing this up with important details, we’d like to emphasize our special commitment. That’s the commitment to your complete satisfaction. The driving force is this – we do everything at your convenience – your needs and your schedule. Just supply the parameters; we take care of the work zone barriers.

By the way, we also take care of everyone and everything in the work zone. Our commitment to safety is well-documented and clearly substantiated. For every project, we go the distance and beyond to protect people and property. From detailed planning to certified personnel, every component in our lineup points in the same direction – safety. First and always. This holds true for any of our other temporary traffic control solutions.

So how do we deliver so much when providing work zone lane closure service? By doing it all. You don’t worry about a thing… except what you’ll do with the extra time.

Work Zone Lane Closure Services

Lane Closure Encroachment Permits

Let’s start with the acquisition of encroachment permits. Obtaining these is an often-harrowing experience for those commandeering work zone projects. And that’s on a good day. On a bad, it’s red tape, rejections, codes – the ultimate bureaucratic tangle. Major delays and mounting costs are the unwelcome result. Projects have been known to stall for months. Some never even make it out of the starting gate.

Roadway Construction Service takes charge of the process from the get-go, removing you completely from the picture. We save you from the dreaded time-consuming hassle – and the ordeal of jumping through hoops.

Leveraging experience, expertise, and long-standing relationships with key decision makers, we streamline the entire permitting process. Roadway Construction Service squeezes months of waiting into a very comforting few days.

Lane Closure Barricades

Once preliminaries like these are put to bed, Roadway Construction Service swings into action and unleashes an air-tight lane closure strategy. A major layer of this strategy is our acclaimed battery of carefully-chosen traffic barricades. These range in size from compact traffic cones to the formidable k rail. For the detailed-oriented, the latter also goes by the name ‘Jersey Barrier‘. Either way, it’s huge.

Prior to barrier deployment, Roadway Construction service performs a thorough assessment of the situation. During this phase, we ask and answer probing questions such as — Where should cones be deployed? How many do we need? What size? (cones come in a variety of heights) Where should Jersey wall be placed? What type – water-filled plastic or concrete? Are both needed?

But don’t worry. We handle complete installation and management of traffic barriers and everything else. As with our other services, you don’t lift a finger. Consider it comprehensive, top-notch traffic management made to order.

Do you need a reliable work zone lane closure service? Roadway Construction Service is available 24/7 providing traffic control – always at your convenience. Reach out to us any time. We’ll be happy to provide additional information and answers to all your road traffic control questions.

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