Channelizers are Perfect for Temporary Traffic Control

When you require reliable channelizer rental, look no further than Roadway Construction Service. In this area, our solutions consistently get the job done efficiently and safely. In fact, we’d go so far as to say our channelizers are perfect for temporary traffic control. This is a bold statement, to be sure. But one that can be backed up by our performance record over many years. Much has gone into establishing this admirable record, all of it stemming from three key, all-important components – experience, knowledge, and dedication. These three vital elements always have been the primary building blocks of success at Roadway Construction Service.

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So, why are our channelizers perfect for temporary traffic control? One of the main reasons is versatility. Our channelizing solutions cover a wide range of situations and needs, each one having a specialized function for which it was specifically designed. Cones, for instance, are dependable traffic guides, typically used to divide lanes. Our traffic drums, which are larger than cones, frequently are deployed in construction zones. These warn motorists of possible changes in traffic conditions, sometimes doubling as location markers. Also useful in construction zones is delineator rental. Often combined with other traffic control devices, delineators typically guide drivers along specified routes. The effective deployment of channelizers such as these helped to establish our outstanding reputation as providers of work zone traffic control services.

Traffic Barrier Rentals & Management

Channelizer Service for Temporary Traffic ControlEqually important in our inventory of channelizers are vertical panels, whose primary purpose is to separate traffic lanes running in opposite directions. For maximum restrictive power, however, nothing tops our offering of traffic barriers. These indispensable protectors of public safety are divided into three distinct classes, each corresponding to function. Type I and II most often are used in work zone settings, while type III applies to road closures.

Road Traffic Control

All this hardware, of course, is great for ensuring dependable road traffic control. But before any of it can be deployed for the purpose of temporary traffic control, thorough strategies must be established to make it all work. That’s where our traffic control planning enters the picture. The strategists who comprise this department embody to the fullest the experience, knowledge, and dedication for which we are justifiably known. It’s a good thing, too. Because when you’re confronted with a challenge such as lane closures, you must be at the top of your game, on many levels.

Traffic Control Planning

Yes, the members of our traffic control planning team know their stuff, inside and out. They’re thoroughly familiar with the codes applicable to the municipalities we serve — which by the way includes virtually all of Southern California. And they also know all the decision makers, who must give approvals to well-designed plans covering road traffic control projects. In essence, our planners know the expectations of these leaders and routinely deliver exactly what they need, thereby eliminating costly delays.
So, while our channelizers are perfect for temporary traffic control, our planners are perfect for getting it all to move forward without a hitch. One more reason for our recognized excellence in the field of traffic control services.

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